FRIDAY MARCH 16th 1849

FRIDAY MARCH 16th 1849

Lat—Long –unable to obtain today

Wind    South East S E

We are now in the Gulf Stream, and to Satesfy a curiosity which I have, as to the temperature of the water in theseLatitudes, I cast a water Bucket and brought some of the “Brine” on Deck and found it quite warm. It is generally expected by all, who pass through this dread plase, that rough weather, high Seas, Squalls & would attend them through, but we have had a fine run fair wind and Smooth Sea.

I am very fortuneate, having wholey recovered from that hororable Sea Sickness. I expected to be compelled to endure that unpleasant feeling for Several days but am disappointed, agreeably So.

The evening was very pleasantly Spent with the “Ladies” Singing on the Promenade Deck, while our noble Ship was plowing her way through the Sea Gallantly, tossing the water right and left, and Spreading waves of foam, that Sparkle in the bright Moon­ light, like Sheets of fire.

“What fairy, like music, That floats o’er the Sea.