THURSDAY MARCH 15 1849 Lat 37 00′ Long 70 00′

Weather–Remains disagreeable

Wind–South East S.E.

As was predicted last evening, Pork, Beef, Potatoes, and Bread are cast into the Sea, whoes terbulent waters have made Such commodities unwilling to remain any longer confined to the narrow limits of a mans “Bread Basket”.

I am so very Sick myself that I think I must Suspend writing till I get well, for this Sea Sickness is, oh! so hororable . oh how fervent and numerous have been our wishes that we were home again and yet I confess I can hardly refrain from laughing at the Sight before me.  fifteen or twenty poor creatures st.anding with their heads extended over the Sides of the Ship, holding on to the latter with one hand, and using the other to keep their heads from bursting as they repeatedly Strive to be “generous by way of feeding the Fishes of the Sea” all Sorts of petiful noises greet the Ear, from a low “moan, up to a loud groan”, besides all the Cursing, and other disagreeable Sounds.