At one O Clock, A.M. We got a fair wind and clear weather.  we arose from our uncomfortable beds and were Soon under way Stearing for the Joaquin  at nine 0 Clock A M we entered that River and passed by Bonitia a Small town Situated about 1/2 mile from the Rivers Mouth. This place like all the rest on this river through to Stockton (including the latter) Owes its Origin to the discovery of the Gold Mines. After passing Bonitia the Stream began to be very crooked, So much So that we could See but a Short distance ahead. Often the Crooks would form a right Angle and frequently an Obtuse Angle, Causing a wind that would be fair in Some places, to be directly ahead in others. About four 0 Clock P M we passed New York, the head of Ship navigation on the San Joaquin.  fore or five Ships were lying at this place apparantly the property of Associations Who had all (with the exception of two or three for Ship keepers) gone off to the Mines. This Place is or was Named after the Great City of New York in the States. The Surveyors have laid out the ground intending it for a fine city, the Streets broad, and Named after the Most Popular of the Empire City. I get ‘this information from an advertisement in the Paper.   that Paper Speakes of the place as being a Splendid Cite for a City, and Many of the lots are already offered for Sale. But I could See nothing very inviting. Nor know why any Man Should desire to live in Such a barren looking Place at present there is but one house on the ground, and I think this will be the extent (for years to come) of the City of New York of the San Joaquin. The evening was cool but Pleasent other­wise, a fair breeze was wafting us over the water finely. We were all contemplating with pleasure, a Speedy termination of the Voyage up the River. At about nine P M we discovered with regret that our boatmen had lost their way in the Dark and Got in Some distance to a Slough that branched off from the main River. The Sails was lowered, and the Anchor let go until the tide turned So that we could float down to the Mouth of the Slough and get on the right road again. After boiling Some coffe and eating a Scanty Meal we layed down upon the Vessels deck to Sleep .