Both Vessels kept in company til three 0 Clock this Morning. when we lost Sight of her.    at daylight, we had a Strong breeze from the west.    we hove in for the Land.         (but it was Still fogy, but not so much as it was yesterday)     at eight 0 Clock the Ship was discovered off our weather Bow.        also the dutch Vessel mentioned yesterday, was Seen off our lee Bow Standing along with the Land, and a few minutes afterwards the land appeared directly ahead, and we were much pleased to See the Same cliff that we were So near last night. St Francisco lays twenty Miles from this Bluff, as Stated yesterday. We Stood in for the harbour and at twelve 0 Clock we heard very heavy guns firing directly ahead. A general hurah now took place for we knew we were not far from St Francisco. At about three P.M.the mouth of the harbour appeared to the Joy of all on Board. Several vessels were bound out and appeared to be in great haste.  As we entered the harbour a large fleet of Vessels presented itself to our view. This caused another huraghing. The town also appeared, and Such a Sight I never Saw, houses going up in all directions, tents pitched on the beach and Surrounding hills. It is impossible to give a discription with any degree of correctness. at five O Clock P.M .our Anchor was dropped in the beautiful Bay of St Francisco, and in a few Minutes the Mason (mentioned yesterday) done the Same. The Bark Susan that Sailed from Talcahuano about one hour before we did, let her Anchor go about one hour before we did. The Susan Jane also arrived today. Many of our American friends from other Ships, came on board, from whom we were able to gath­er Some news both as it regards Mining and the prospect of things in the town of St Francisco. it was very flattering. But on inquiring concerning the News from the States, Our Spir­ it were cast down amediately on hearing that the cholera was raging to an alarming degree, carrying hundreds to the grave . this caused Many to get a convayance to the Town as Soon as possible, for the purpose of getting letters.   there Being three Males Back, very few received letters, but Some in that number had cause to Moan for departed relatives and friends. We was informed That the Steamer Unicorn (Mentioned in Talcahuano) was expected every hour with the back males. So Ends the Voyage.