TUESDAY MARCH 20th 1849 Lat 34 52′ Long–58 00′

Weather – Very pleasant Wind –   Continues fair

A beautiful Rainbow appeared this Morning, its Several collers very bright and resting (apparently) its two extremities on the Ocean.  it was a grand Sight but denotes an approaching Storm, the Crew say—–

A Rainbow at night is a Sailors delight,

A Rainbow in the Morning is a Sailors Warning.

We have experienced considerable inconvenience lately ariseing from a want of room to Seat at table all of the Company. those who hapened to reach the Table first after the ringing of the Bell acting on the principal of “first come first Served”, would leave very little for those who came to the Second table.  the amount left would indeed be Small, from the fact that all the “Hogs” would get at first Table.

To Obveate this trouble, we divided Ourselves off into ten Messes, five takeing the first Table, and the remaining five the Second. Each mess having its “provender” Served Seperately. even after Such an arrangement had been carried into effect, Some of those “Hogs” belonging to No 9 would Steal No 8s Cake, Puding etc  And it became nesesary to place the Ships police at the Galley Door to prevent “Theft”, and See that each Mess gets its proportion.