We have had three Stormy days this week and Snow at that. is winter one day and Summer the next. After Spending Several days, prospecting, we finally Succeeded in finding a Spot, that paid for working very well we commenced working it yesterday Morning and Succeeded in getting three and one half ounces of very handsome Gold it is not So fine as that at the American Camp, but it is very pure and Bright, and I think it will demand a very high price. One Night when returning from work after a light Snow, we crossed the Tracks of a Grizley Bear. The prints where very large, and we think the creature passed along but a Short time before. I have heard of Several of these ferocious Anamels being Seen during the winter. One day a Young Man from Hancenson’s Bar was out among the Mountains hunting for deer he got Sight of a very fine one (deer) and crep up to a Bush with the intention of killing him, but just as he was taking aim with his Rifle he caught the glimpse of an object close at one Side. he turned his head, and to his horror he beheld a Monster Grisley Bear Standing erect upon his hind feet at a distance of about 8 or 10 ft, prepairing to Spring upon his prey. the young Man knowing this, thought best at first to turn about and run but he knew he would run a great risk in so doing. a Second thought (therefor) induced him to level his rifle for the Creatures head. being a good Marksman, he fired and put the Ball between his Eyes. Killing him instantly to the great joy of the adventurer. Wolves are very plenty, also in this Nabourhood. They come very near the tent, at night and growl makeing a tererable noise. they never venture in the daytime (however) or they would frequently get buck Shot. The Indians of this portion of the Country, are a Miserable race of beings. I am induced to believe them to be very indolent from the fact that they frequently enter our Camp and beg from tent to tent. Some appear with a pair of Old pants, a wornout Coat a Miserable Shirt, and a pair of thrown away Shoes, and many appear with nothing on but a Shirt. They are known I believe as the Digers. From Many little incidents occuring from diffaculties between them and the whites, that have come to my notice, I conclude they are very Cowardly, especialy when life is in danger. when they think they have great advantage, they appear very Courageous, but the Sight of a Rifle or Gun, Overcomes them and renders them very Submissive. Their Arms for killing Game and for Self defence are the Bow and Arrow. It is astonishing to See with what force and accuracy, they Send their Arrows with the Bow. There have been cases of difaculties which have resulted in the death of Men, both White and Black, and one or two but a Short time ago. Speaking of their fear of Guns, I will just State a little incident that occured a Short time ago, on a Small Stream that empties in the Spanish Slaugh. An American was there at work alone, his rifle lay near by prepaired for anything that might come along in the Shape of game. about the midle of the afternoon an Indian appeared on the opisite Bank and commenced talking with the American the latter replied in the Native tongue but in the course of the conversation that took place between them The American Said Something that the Indian did not like, where upon the latter retraced his Steps a Short distance and picked up his Bow and Arrow, and again advanced towards the white man the latter perciveing his intent, Seised his rifle and prepaired for Self defence the Indian no Sooner perceived this than he Stoped threw his Bow and Arrow to the ground, and the next moment Sung out wally wally, wally wally, (Friend Friend, Friend Friend). The American told him to vammoce (go away) his Orders was amediately obeyed and was not troubled by the red Skin any More. Some of them was Shot a few days ago for Some Misconduct or crime, on the Spanish Slaugh, and the Captain or Chief with a large number of his Men came to this place to know if the whites intended or wished to live friendly with them. they Said they wished to live peaceably with us, but if we did not want to do the Same, they would take every opportunity for revenge. they was told that we had no desire to injour them but if any of their number Should be caught in the act of Stealing he Should be Shot and if they Should kill a white Man without Sufficient cause, the Americans would turnout an kill them all off The Chief replied that his people Should be told our words and everything done to prevent future difaculties. Last Evening the Citisens of this placer held a Meeting for the purpose of adopting the By Laws, by which they are to be goyerned the insueing Summer . A Coppy may be Seen in the latter part of this Book.