Tuesday Eve the 24th To Morrow is Christmas A Party of 4 Mr Sharp Mr Prisson Mr Connor & Myself Set out this Evening for the purpose of Hunting Deer in the Evening We Set Out about 4 P M and at Sundown we reached a Small hut Situated on the Northbranch of the Calvares distant from this place about 8 Miles the Hut was built of Logs by Some Miners who wintered there Last Winter. it was Open in front and no Fireplace. having no blankets with us we knew we Should Suffer with the Cold if we did not keep a good fire all night we therefore Set about building a temporary Chimney which we completed in about 10 minutes. With a roaring fire burning, therin by the Side of this rude fire place we Sat talking & joaking, till about 10 0 Clock, when feeling Somwhat fatigued we laid down upon the Cold ground to try and rest in the Arms of Natures Sweet restorer (Balmy Sleep). We remained in this position but about 10 Minutes, for we found it very uncomfortable one. We therfore aroused and Spent the remainder of the night talking & thinking of Home Sweet Home.
As Soon as the day began to dawn
We were to the Mountains away,
In the Chase for the deer and the Fawn,
To selebrate the Christmas day.
We were Soon on track of a herd about 10 in number but not withstanding we Chased them for two or three Hours we had the Mortification to return with out any We found it imposable to get near Enough to them on account of So Many Hunters out after them. We therefor returned to our Homes at about 12 0 Clock Somewhat fatigued. The weather continues remarkable fine and dry very discourageing to the miners. Preaching to day by Capt Atwood quite a number Out to day.