September 22nd 1850

SUNDAY 22.  /50

On Monday last hearing of a new discovery being Made at the American Camp (where we wintered last) I was induced to take a tramp to that place. I accordingly Set out about 8 A .M and arrived at about 4 P.M. I found a very Extensive flat (Say 15 Ach) Upon which there were about 50 persons at work throwing off about 18 inches of the top Soil. On inquiry I found the dirt paid from 6 to 10 cts to the pan. We put up for the night at a large new log Cabin Erected by Some Men who inclosed Some 15 or 20 Ach of Marchy Soil upon which they have Succeeded in raising a nice crop of potatoes Corn Cabbage, Watermellons, Mushmellons etc.

The next Morning after Eating a harty Breakfast we Started for home.  at Wood’s digings I Saw a Young Grizely chaned to a post.  he was caught near the Toolomme while very young.  He is now about the Size of a Sheep, and he has become So tame & gentle that a person can pat him just like a Dog.  At 12 Oclock we was at the Mclanes fery on the Stanislaus River. We found here emence labour Spent in turning the river, by diging race­ ways of Several hundred Yards in length and about 15 ftt wide, into which they have turned the water by building a Strong dam acrost the Stream at the Upper End of the Raceway. This work has imployed from 60 to 80 Men for three or four Months, and I am Sorry to Say they are now obliged to abandon it without a cents remuneration it proving a complete failure . We did not stop long here but Set out for the Summit of an Exceeding high Mountain, that lies directly in our way.    and by the way, this Mountain is the dread of the whole traveling Community.  After geting at the top of this Mountain, I was about 12 Miles from home.  My legs and feet were already So lame by the pre­vious day’s tramp together with My journey So far back, that I could scarsley Stand.   but I continued on gradualy, and at Sunset I found Myself Safely harboured in our little Cabbin very Much fatigued, and exceedingly lame . The weather appears to indicate the approach of the wet Season.        we had quite a Shower, Yesterday.