SUNDAY 23rd June 1850

The past week has been one of hard labour and fatigue with us owing to our Hole on the flat caveing in, in consequence of which we have not been able to collect any Gold. We have had News of a very extensive fire at San Francisco   More so than any that have previously occoured.  A place was selected last Monday near our tent to hold religous Meeting   two large Oaks Shade the Spot.      at the Butt of one of the Trees we erected a Bench and in front a Stand for the Speaker, and upon the ground in front of the desk we placed a number of logs parallel to each other for the accomadation of the hearers.    we had our first Meeting on the Ground today, and I was pleased to see so many come out to hear the word of God. Not withstanding it was not Generaly known, we had about 75 or 80 people present. Mr Small of Ten- Spoke from these words, 0 Lord what is the Man that thou art Mindful of him. in the afternoon preaching by Mr Atwood Text Lo I Stand at the door and knock if any Man will open unto me I will come in unto him and Sup with him and he with me.