SUNDAY 16th June 1850

The weather continues very fine, very dry but cool and pleasent   the grass is all drying up for want of rain.  I am happy to State that we had divine Service to day at our tent, preaching by Mr Spreg the Number of attendance was about 30.  It is our intention to prepare a place expressly to hold religous Meetings every Sabbeth in a grove near our Tent.  We trust it will be the means of drawing many there who would otherwise be drinking Gambleing and carousing all the day. It is our prayer that good will be done here in the wilderness in the name of the Lord nothing is impossible with God. Mr Burns Express arrived in town last Tuesday the 11th     recieved a letter from my friends in 11th St N Y dated Dec 12th, and Mailed an answer on the 17th     the largest lump of Gold we have found So far Weighs $186.00