SUNDAY the 12th
The weather continues dry and increasingly warm it is indeed pleasent. The Oaks that but a few weeks ago bore no appearance of life atall, Now look green and flerishing in fact Nature is improving fast all around us.
One of our Articles of our By Laws was violated yesterday by a Rum Seller who Managed (Secreatly) to Sell Some of his Poison to Some Indians and finally resulted in the Stabbing of one of their number. Two of them drank, till they could hardly Stand but the one that appeared the most intoxicated Still craved for more. his companion would not let him have it, and this caused a quarel, which lasted Some length of time, and (as I said before) ended in one of them being Stabbed in the breast. Fortunately the point of the knife Struck on the brest Bone, thus preventing him from receiving a fatal wound. I do hope the first Man who was the cause of this quarrel will Soon be discovered and punished Severly for his disobedience of the Law, which prohibits any man from Selling liquor to the Indians.
Mr Burn’s Express came into camp last Wednesday the 8th inst. He brought one letter for Me dated the 12th of August 1849. This is a long delay, which plainly Shows that Something is rong in the Post Office arrangements it is hoped that so great an evil will Soon be remedied by better Management. This letter was from L.W.H. of N .Y.