I wish you a happy New Year. Although we are far from home and near and dear friends, Still as we Sat around our fire Place enjoying a good fire on Tuesday last, our Minds would Stroll acrost the Great Waters and wander through a large Circle of acquaintences and bring to our fond recollection Many Dear Friends to whome we could heartily Say I wish you a happy New year. Imagination bore me away with the Swiftness of Eagles wings, and placed me in the City of New York, and other Places, retracing the Steps of former years. Calling, from house, to house. Exchanging good wishes as a Token of Socialbility and true friend­ship . I heard the Cheerful laugh echo through the richly furnished halls, and capacias parlors, of friends who had Spaired no panes in preparing every thing as entertaining as posible . But reality found me in California Siting beside a rudly constructed Fireplace, without it rained, and the wind blew Cold and Chilly. Still we found Some enjoyment in thinking and talking over the incidents and pleasurs of by gone years. Three Stormy days this week.

Great God, we Sing thy Mighty hand,

By which Supported Still we Stand:

The opening year thy Mercy Shows:

Let Mercy crown it till it close,

In Scenes exalted or depress’d

Be thou our joy and thou our rest;

Thy goodness all our hopes Shall raise

Adorn thro’all our changing days.

When death Shall interrupt these Songs,

And Seal in Silence Mortal tongues,

Our helper, God, in whom we trust,

In better worlds our Souls Shall boast.