Sunday December 9th


Finding that we could better by Sinking holes in a Gulch Not far distant from our tent, we concluded to leave the Small ravine and try our fortune in Sinking holes. Some places holes are Sunk to the Depth of 6 or 8 feet.     at the bottom, the Gold is generally Scattered through a red Stoney Soil, Sometimes found 2 in thick and Sometimes 18. The precious Metal appeares to run in vanes in Many places. So that holes are often Sunk within a few inches of it and left because they could not find Gold enough to pay men for working it.     another may come along and put a hole down close to the one that had been forsaken and do extremely well. So it goes. Some vanes are very rich So Much So that by taking a Six penny pice and raising as Much dirt as you could keep upon it, you could See the particles of Gold glisten all through very plane.

The weather has been very fine the past week permitting us to work every day. What a blessed thing it was that God in his unbounded Wisdom Saw fit it Set Apart one day out of Seven, for man to rest from his labours and Meditate upon the goodness and Tender Mercies of Him who So regarded him as to give his only Son to die the ignomenious death of the Cross for his redemption.  I am Sorry to Say, there are Some who do not regard the Sabbeth here at all, not even to cese from washing gold. So eager, that they keep constantly at it rain or Shine Week days and Sundays all the Same. As for our Company I am happy to say, up to the present time they have not dug and they declair that Gold or no Gold they will not dig on Sundays.