SUNDAY 25th of AUGUST 1850

SUNDAY 25th of AUGUST 1850

It has been very dull times with us this week.    and indeed there would be nothing doing here if it were not for Mr Fletcher’s Experiments, which have progressed very well this week, but none of the Holes under his directions are down yet, but this week I think will determine wether it be fals or true.  On Friday a party of us Set out from this camp about 8 O Clock for Chiota lower bridge, distant about 11 Miles.  work is the greatest that I ever Saw.  This peace of Natures Chiota Crick winds its way through a very deep gulch between two high Mountains, also very Steep. the trale is Made along the Side of one of these Mountains and it was the Most fatiguing road that I ever traveled. When we arived at the first Bridge We found that the Mountains were So connected that the water passed through under the Mountain.  A Mountain composed of rocks with the exception of a few feet of Earth on Top     the mouth of the Tunnel was about 15 ftt high and 18 ftt wide, and the whole tunnel is in gothic Style of form. the rock is lime, and by the water running through for Many years, Numerous Ornaments are formed which would pusel a genuine Mason to complete. Its Splender baffles all description. person here who has Seen the Falls of Niagra Says that these Nateral Bridges On Chiota Crick are far Superior to that Noted place.  A Doctor of this place, while rideing from Carsons on his way here, was Stopped on the road by two Men Speaking the Spanish Language. One of them was Asking him (the Doctor) how far it was to Chiota and at the Same time his com­panion rode up to the Doctor and presented a Pistle to his head.  But the Doctor catching a glimps of the fellows Movements raised his hand and knocked the Muzel of the Pistle just as it was discharged, thus preventing his death by the Ball passing through the crown of his hat.     the assailants put Spurs to their Horses and were out of reach before the Doctor could return the Shot with his revolver, a very narrow escape that.  Many are leaving these Mines, as well as Many Others of the digings, for the Mountains in search of New Placers to work. we have already heard very extravigent reports from that direction, but cannot Vauch for their truth. More will Pro­bably be know Soon. Preaching But Once to day.