SUNDAY 18th of AUGUST 1850

SUNDAY 18th of AUGUST 1850

Stoughtenburgh Placer has become almost deserted, in con­sequence of the flat proveing a complete failure. Many have Stayed at this place, all the Spring and Summer with the Expec­tation of geting Some considerable of Gold from their Claims, which they had Spent So Much time and Labour upon, but when the time came for them to give them a trial, they found them to fail. Being thus situated they would not be long Making up their Minds what to do.   but pack up amedeately and scamper for Some other digings.  But there are a few who have been very well paid for their labour, but the number is very Small comparatively. A considerable of Excitement pervades among those that remain here caused by discovery Said to be made by Mr Fletcher, who pretends that he has invented a Machine or instrument by which he can tell where the gold lies or where there is no gold etc   Some belive and others do not. about fourty of the former are going to work next Monday (to Morrow) to test a Spot that has been Servayed by Mr Fletcher, and pronounced by that Gentleman as containing a rich lead of Gold.  We do hope that the result of this experiment will be Such, as Shall bring about the convertion of Many of the unbelivers. It is reported that Mr Burns one of our Expresses, has Abscon­ ded with a considerable amount of Money. We did not think this of Mr Burns, all who knew him, had great confidence in him, and many Sent Money by him for remittance to the States. Search is Makjng for him, but nothing has been heaxd of him yet.  I discovered a root to day that I was totly ignorent of its groth here before.    it is the Ginger root.      it is quite Strong and in considerable quantities.  Service as usual to day, but very few attended only Six of us in the afternoon. Men in california prefer Spending the Sacred hours of the Sabbath in Card playing drinking and rioting to listen to the word of God.   Oh it is hororble to witness the degree of dissipation which Men go to here     Men who have wives and families at home.