Sunday August 11th 1850


Many are leaveing these Mines daily On account of the Flat proveing a failure. So far at least as this, that not more than 1 Hole Out of 20 that will Pay for Sinking. Among this number we find Mr Myres, One or our old Ship Mates. Mr Myres health was not very good and he thought best. to go home.    he Started on Thursday the 8th, he took with him a large number of letters, for individuals in these Mines. As he had gone direct for N.Y City it afforded us an excelent Opportuneity which I embraced.   and Sent one letter to Father 1 to Mr Hand 1 to Mr Lawrence and one to Miss E.H.     I Must here State that a number of our Much essteemed friends have left this place for other Mines, and Some who we Miss very Much at Our religous Meetings, Mr Atwood, Mr Small, Mr Pane Mr Rightington and others.