Finished the working of My Claim on the Flat on Tuesday, and it continued to pay to the last. commenced on Georges Claim on Wednesday. The weather has been quite warm the past week the themometer vareing from 100 to 110, but this making it cool and pleasant I notice here that about the full of the Moon the wind and the heat is the Strongest. Three Successive Meetings was held at this placer last week for the purpose of Takeing into consideration the best Mode of guarding against the depredations of the Many Murderers and Robbers that infest the country around. Their actions at the Meetings were undesided on account of a Mass Meeting to be Held at Senora for the Same purpose. Messrs Wiat and Marshal were appointed delegates to attend that Meeting and report at an adjourned Meeting to be held at this place on tuesday Evening next. posted a letter to Mrs L of S S on Monday 1 5th 5 0 Clock pm We have just returned from Meeting preaching this afternoon by Mr Spreague on the Subject of predestination. the attendance is quite regular, and I am happy to State that God our heavenly Father never fails to be one in our Midst when we come with the right Spirit. Just as we returned from Service we received the information of the death of our Much essteemed friend and Ship Mate Norman Wadhams. When we arived at St Francisco the Excelsior Mining Co consisted of 9 Members three of Whom are now laid beneath their Mother Earth first Moses C Wadhams next Lyman B. Oviatt and now Norman Wadhams, Mr Oviatt was a Brother in Law to Norman Wadhams and Moses W was a Cousin to them Both, and they were from the Same place Go— Conneticut.
The warning is be ye also ready. Our Friend who died to day has been Sick about 6 Weeks he has had constent Medical aid, but at about 5 O Clock P M to day his time had come and his Spirit was born away to try the realities of another world. His funeral will take place to Morrow at 9 A M. I will also Mention the Suden death of an Italian to day who was berried Shortly after his death (Just before Sunset) without Coffin and without Seramony. this does appear to heathenish indeed .