The Canal (before Mentioned) was completed on Monday, and it has proven a Successful experiment we have got rid of about 4 ftt of water which helps us in working Our holes upon the flat wonderfully. We do not use our pumps now at all having the Canal handy we bale the water into it thus in place of three or four Men to work the pump it takes but one Man half of his time to bale it out We have been working this week in My Hole and will probably finish it this week it continues to pay extraordanary well. Murders occur very frequently now days reports come in most every day of Some one having his throat cut in his tent at night or being found butchered in a most hororable Manner by the road Side . We had an Excellent Sermon this forenoon and afternoon, and a proff table prayer Meeting in the Evening. the Spirrit of’ God was one in our Midst according to his Most precious promis. A man who had traveled for Some distance through the day was in Search of a place to Spread his blankets and rest for the night, he said he had just gained the Summit of a Small hill near at hand when his attention was arrested by a voise that appeared as one in earnest prayer to God he proceeded in the direction from wence the voice came and he was Soon in our little Meeting the first one he Said he had attended while in California and he Said it was truely rest to his Sole, and Body also. When we came away he remained and Said he Should make that Sacred Spot his Stoping place for the night