The weather for a few days past has been oppresively warm More So than we have before experrienced, Since we have been in the country. We had two prayer Meetings this week at our little place of Meeting in the grove and we have reason to belive that God was with us. though far from home and far from friends Still our Blessed Lord deigns to Make one in our Midst. A Meeting of the Citizens of this place was held last evening for the purpose of considering the utility of Cutting a Canal through the center of the Flat, in order to dreen the vast quantity of water there in. the work was resolved upon and a commencement will be Made to Morrow July 1. if this work has the affect that we think it will it will be the means of facilitateing our business here very Much. there will be probably over 100 Men at work on it if So it will take but a Short time to complete the job. The Subject caused a considerable of debate at the Meeting three or four individuals opposeing it very Strong. These persons Spoke of the contemplated canal as allmost a useless undertaking, owing they Said to a ledge of rocks (at a lower part of the Flat) through which the canal would have to pass. they presented to the people’s imagination huge Rock directly in the way, and many other difaculties to numerous to Mention in fact they Made it out as an almost imposability but the People were informed by those in favour of the question that Rocks could be blasted, and by Unity of Sperit and wiling hands the work could be accomplished, and when accomplished it would be the means of Saveing much labour to every man and it would be to every Man a great Saving of time, as all very well know who have attempted to work their Holes with Pumps.