May 26th 1850


The past week has been one of no Small degree of excitement, in consequence of Some difaculties growing out of a tax imposed upon all foreigilers working in the Mines by a law recently passed by the Legeslature of the State a monthly Tax of 20 dollars payable in advance.       The particulars as far as I could learn are as follows. Last Monday the 20th one of the Collecters of Foreign Fines or Taxes, entered the Senorean camp (about 25 Miles from this place) for the purpose of attending to his duties at that place.  there are but a very few Americans there, but a large Number of Mexicans Chilians Frenchmen, and other Foreigners, who exhibited a disposition to resist the Said Tax by refuseing to pay the Sum and one Mexican went so far as to Stab the Collecter twice, but not very Seriously the Mexican then drew a Pistol.       an American by Stander Seeing the dangerous Situation of the collecter, drew a bowen knife and nearly Severed the Mexicans head from his body.    The Foreigners then began to collect in considerable number, Armed and equiped, Making quite a warlike appearence. The French appeared to take the lead in the rebellion Sending Expresses to the Various camps in the Naborhood in Post haste calling on all their French Brothern to turn out with their arms. and repair forth with to the Senorean Camp. I happened in town when the Express arived at this Place (Stoutenburgh Placer) it was in the Evening and a considerable of Exciement pervaded the Camp.  the French Mexicans and other Foreigners collected fast armed to the Utermost with Guns Pistols Knives etc   here and there could be Seen parties of them talking together in a very Exciteing Manner . The American Citizens Stood gaseing with asstonishment upon them. The expression of their Countenances Seemed to Say, are these I See before Me frenchmen bearing the deadly weapons of war! is it true that the french a people So highly Esteemed by the Americans here to for!the Brothers of Lafayette (the Bosom Friend of Washington) can it be possible that they have taken up arms against us! Seting our Laws at defiance, and Ordering   Our Brother Americans to leave a certain portion of the country within a Specafied time, is all this true!  A Silant voice seemed to answer yes it is even So. But their Soliloquy did not rest here. They raises their Eyes to the Pole of Liberty and beheld there (Gracefuly waveing in the Gentle breeze) the Glorious Flag of our Union, the Stars and Stripes the Glory of Washington, and the Banner of the Free and Experienceing Something of the Spirit of a Patriot, They would utter aloud, Shall that Flag ever be disgraced by Foreign hands. Will it Ever be Struck to Foreign Powers, No, No, Not as long as there is American Blood to protect it. It Shall continue to wave on the Land of the Free and the home of the Brave. There was about 300 of them that Marched out of this placer thet night, with the intention of reaching Senora that Night or the next Morning. The Principle Actors in the affair Stuck up Notices along the Principle Roads Notifying all American Citisens to leave a portion of the Country therein Specified within 24 hours or they would have to fight but the Yankie had to Much of the Spirit of their Forfathers to be Robbed of their just right in this way.     the Next day (Tuesday) the Foreigners Collected together at Senora to the Number of between 2 and 3,000 Strong.  the American Flag was taken down and the French put in its place. This Step aroused the Americans, they rallied and Soon Mustered a Small force (Some Say 100 and others 300). They Met a Short distance from Senora, Chose their Officers and commenced their March within regular Order (armed with Rifles)  they entered the Town took down the French Flag and replaced the Stars and Stripes. but where were the French Mexicans Chilians etc.    they Fled in disorder without Makeing the least resistance whatever. Their Guilty Consciences told them that they were on the rong Side and could not face those who Marched forth for right and Justice . The Mexicans (or Many of them at least) laid their Arms aside came to the Americans and told them they were Satisfied with the laws of the Country, and were willing to pay the tax required when called for, The principle Ringleader (a Frenchman) was arrested and found Guilty, his fate will be determined by a Jury of twelve and it the general impression that he will be hung. The Rioters Finding no Success returned to their various Stoping places. And the Americans finding Peace again restored disbanded and returned to their homes. The Americans have Since held Meetings at the various Camps for the purpose of takeing into consideration the late Conduct of the Foreign Miners, and to pass Such resolutions as they Should think proper in regard to it, and Some of them have pass resolutions quite Severe a Meeting was conviened at this Placer for the Same purpose last evening, Some few Circumstances were related concerning the Movements of the Foreigners, etc.

A Letter was then produced written by the Judge or Justice of the Peace at Senora. Stateing that he had recieved a letter from a french Man resideing at Stoutenburgh Placer, wherein he Apologized (in behalf of his Brother Frenchmen)for their late Conduct, Stateing that they had been decieved by a Frenchman at Senora who wrote them letters Stateing that they had difacul­ties with the Americans and that Several Frenchmen had been killed, and Called on them all to turn out armed and Equiped as they did. In consideration of these facts, the Meeting thought best to appoint a commitee of Eleven to erivestegate the Matter fully and form Such resolutions as they in their Judgment Should See fit, and to present the Same to an adjourned Meeting for their adoption or rejection (as the case may be) to be held Next Saturday Evening .

I have now to relate a Murder that took place last Wednesday night   the circumstances as related by one who made his escape from the Murderers are as followes, he with a friend (both French) agreed to go to Stockton togather, and as the Nights were very pleasent, they Set out at 10 O Clock in the Evening thinking they would thus evade the hot Sun.   he had Money with him to the amount of $5,000 but his companion had none of any consequences.       they traviled on till about 4 or 5 Miles from this place.     they were then traveling by Some large Oaks when Sudenly a Gun was fired and his companion fell.     having presence of Mind he fell also but, two or three more Shots was fired while he was laying on the ground but none touched him     the Fireing then ceased, and he heard them reloading       he then Sprang to his feet and ran through the Brush followed by the Murderers but he hid himself and although they passed Several times near him they did not find him .      he returned to this place unhurt his companion was found the next day where he was Shot and berried under a tree near by .    this deed was done (no doubt) by one of their own Countrymen who knew that they were going to Stockton , and knew also that one of them had Money.  but they Shot the one that had no Money and the Other escaped by the interposition of an all wise providence. What Shall it proffit a Man though he gain the whole world and loose his own Sole.