Time waits for no man. how true and yet how Seldom we think of the fact. every week every day every hour yes every Moment brings us nearer to our graves
Evry beating pulse we tell
leaves but the number less.
Another week has passed, and Still our lives our health is Spared to enjoy the delightful weather which God has been pleased to bestow upon us. from him cometh every good and perfect gift.
We tried our pumps on the Flat the forepart of the week but found it impossible to keep the Holes clear of water, consequently we had to abandon them for the present.
A large fire has occured lately at Sanfrancisco by which a large amount of property was destroyed. Thinking my trade would be good (in consequence of the fire) I had partly made up my mind to Set out for that place, but previous to going I thought I would prospect a little in the Gulches, and on Wednesday we found a place where we thought we could do very well. This caused me to give up the Idea of going to Sanfrancisco which (By the way) was fortionate for me as I have Since learned that business is very dull at that place . among the Gold that we got these three last days we found three peaces, the Smallest weighing between 7 and 8 Dollars the Second in Size between 8 and 9, the third and largest of the three weighed near $20. this peace is the largest we have found Since we have been in the Mines. This Gulch has been worked at the lower end but not at the upper end although it has been prospected in many places at different times and by different persons, but the Gold laying here and there in pockets they did not happen to Strike upon any of them and consequently thought the revines would not pay. but the day we prospected it we where fortunate enough to hit upon a very rich pocket, which convinced us there was gold in the Gulch. Wrote a letter to L. W. of N Y on Monday the 13th