April 21st 1850


The weather during the past week has been cool but pleasent just right to work comfortably. We has a Slight Shower on Friday night which had a very growing effect upon the Vegetable Kingdom, which is decorating the Country far beyind what I ever expected to See bearing a welcoming, and pleasent appearence no doubt, to the Many New comers that are flocking in every day. This must especially be the case with Females that now and then come to take up their abode for a Season in this placer. It may be the opinion of Some of our Friends at home that there is no Such a thing as a woman in the Mines, but they are mistaken        there are at present in Stoutenburgh Placer five or Six Women, none of Whome however are Americans  they are French, Irish or Chilians. One young French Lady about twenty five years old (perhaps less) living in a tent with her husband wanted rather that She were not known as a female in the Placer and to carry this out, She wanted to deceive by putting on Male attire throughout.     but alas She cannot Succeed, her Soft Sweet voice, Rosy Cheek, and Modest look, betray her.      her hair to combed So neatly back of her Ears and fastened in the usual form, cannot escape the keen Eye of the observer, though it is partly and I may Say Mostly hid by her broad Brimmed Straw hat that She is Accustomed to wear. She is known by all as a woman and as far as I know respected as Such. Stoutenburgh Place Supports at present about forty Stores, including 2 Bakeries and 2 Beef Markets & the number increasing daily.  I judge about two thirds of the 40 Stores are gambling Holes. Finding it very unpleasent to be with a large party & Subject to many little difficulties and bralls we concluded, to seperate and accordingly Sold out last Monday.    having a Tent just -large enough to accomodate 3, We three Halseys Selected a Spot in a beautiful Vale, near a Stream of beautiful water, and handy to wood. I christened it Allen Dale and our little cottage of Snowey whiteness Stands there beneath a Stately Oak whose broad Branches Shade it, and gives it that cool appearance, that is so desirable in the hot Season of the year.