The weather continues fine . Tuesday visited Jacksonville a town situated about 5 Miles from this place in a South east direction, it is on Woods Crick near where it empties into the Twoalomy. On Wednesday, Struck our tent and Set out for Stouten burgh about 35 Miles to the Northward . We passed Some very high Mountains, that appeared almost impassable for mules, but these Anamels climbed them with their Packs of 225 lb with but little trouble. On the trail we Saw Several places, where, there was formerly an Indian Village. These places was a little Elevated, and appeared to be Sufficently large to Accomodate from 10 to 20 Families. The Kings circle being in the center and a little higher and a considerable larger than the rest. On Friday we arrived at Stoutenburgh. This place is Situated on Angles Crick, and contains about 200 Miners, Who are at present laying idle on account of the water in the ground preventing them from Sinking holes. The company previously Mentioned and who accompanied us from Stockton have removed to this place also. Saturday, we Set our tent and built bunks etc. On Tuesday recieved two letters one from A .H. dated July 25 1849 & one from D.S.L. dated Oct 16 1849