The past week has been very pleasant, but we have done very little at gold washing, although the whole week or nearly at least has been Spent in Sinking holes but without Success. feeling quite tired of diging, Philetus George and myself came to the conclusion yesterday Morning to Spend the day, in the woods ahunting as a Sort of resting Spell. So after Breakfast we pre­pared and Set out in a North East direction.   a portion of our route was very wild and Mountainous, and a portion comparatively level.  we Saw numerous flocks of quail and a few Hare.   at about Noon, we concluded we was about three or fore Miles from our tent and feeling Somewhat fatigued and a little hungry withall we Set about looking for a Stream of water, to Sit beside and refresh ourselves . Just at that Moment I Saw a Number of Meder­larks near by, and I Strolled off from My partners for the purpose of trying my luck among the larks. My Gun was prepared and I was in the act of raising it to My Shoulder, when My attention was arested by a terorable restling in the Bushes about 30 yards off. I turned My Eyes in the direction, and was not a little Surprised to See a noble Deer rushing full Speed through the Bushes . My Gun was loaded with common Duck Shot, but the Creature was So near that I thought I might Stand a pretty good chance to hurt him considerable. As quick as thought I raised My Gun to My Shoulder and aimed through an opening Space in the Bushes which I knew the deer would pass. Just as the Creature had come in range of My Gun I pulled trigger, but the deer continued on with unslacked pace through an open plain about  1/4 of a Mile in width till about half Way acrost when She Stopped and walked very leisurealy- the remainder of the way till I lost Sight of her in the woods on the oposite Side of the plain. I was Satisfied from the movement of the Animal, that it was hurt considerable.  I hastily reloaded My Gun with large Buck Shot with the intention of following up My Game.    My partners hearing the report of My Gun and Seeing the deer emerge from the woods, made up their Minds that I was on a Chase, and Set out acrost the Plain about 1/4 of a Mile from the deers track            I crossed the plain in the deers trail. I entered the woods and commenced Surch for My game, and it was not long before I Saw her lying down, evidently badly wounded  I moved Silently up to a bush that Screened me from her Sight, about a good gunshot  distant. Just as I was raising My Gun to My Shoulder the deer Saw one of My partners creeping up on the opsite side . She made one Spring but ere She made the Second, the report of My Gun Echoed through the woods, and My Game fell to the ground. One More Shot from Georges gun fixed her So that it was useless for any more firing. We Soon dressed her and packed her home. We went out in another direction in the afternoon and returned at night with a few quailes and a very fine hare, well pleased with the Sport of the day.

Thomas Ailward returned from his prospecting expedition to Merfris digings, to day.     we expect to Set out for that place in the course of a week or two.